Comparison of fluorescence in situ hybridization -FISH- and conventional cytology for early detection of urothelial carcinoma

Nadina Erill 1, Anna Colomer 1, Míriam Gorriz 1,2, Naim Hannaoui 3, Ruth Román 1, Maria Conangla 2, Josep M Banús 3, Carlos Cordon-Cardo 4, Xavier Puig 1,2.

1BIOPAT, Grup Assistència, Barcelona, Spain; 2HISTOPAT Laboratoris, Barcelona, Spain; 3Institut Català d’Urologia i Nefrologia, ICUN; Barcelona, Spain; and 4Division of Molecular Pathology, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, New York, USA.

Bladder tumors have a high recurrence rate, so treated patients are followed for detection of potential new lesions. Cystoscopy and cytology have been the standard […]


BRAF mutations in colorectal cancer are linked to loss of hMLH1 expression and proximal location, while independent of K-RAS activation

Anna Colomer 1, Nadina Erill 1, August Vidal 2, Ruth Román 1, Montse Verdú 2, Carlos Cordon-Cardo 3, Xavier Puig 1,2.

1BIOPAT, Grup Assistència, Barcelona, Spain; 2HISTOPAT Laboratoris, Barcelona, Spain; 3Division of Molecular Pathology, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, New York.

The RAF gene family encodes RAS-regulated kinases that mediate cellular responses to growth signals. Mutations within the BRAF gene occur in about 10% of colorectal cancers, and are significantly associated to defective mismatch repair (MMR) due […]


Hibridació in situ Fluorescent -FISH- en la detecció del carcinoma urotelial

N.Erill 1, A.Colomer 1, C Pubill 2, N. Hannaoui 3, R. Román 1, M.Conangla 2, JM. Banús 3, C. Cordón 1, X. Puig 1,2.

1BIOPAT, Grup Assistència; 2HISTOPAT Laboratoris, 3Institut Català d’Urologia i Nefrologia, ICUN; Barcelona.

El carcinoma urotelial de bufeta és un dels tumors malignes més freqüents al nostre entorn. S’associa a una elevada taxa de recurrència, al voltant d’un 80% dels casos, i fins a un 30% pot evolucionar cap a carcinoma invasiu. Actualment, tant el diagnòstic com el seguiment […]


Genetic and immunophenotype analyses of TP53 in bladder cancer: TP53 alterations are associated with tumor progression

Erill N 1, Colomer A 1, Verdú M 2, Román R 1, Condom E 2, Hannaoui N 3, Banús JM 3, Cordón-Cardó C 4, and Puig X 1,2.

1BIOPAT, Grup Assistència, Barcelona; 2HISTOPAT Laboratoris, Barcelona; 3ICUN, Barcelona; and 4Division of Molecular Pathology, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, New York.

Altered p53 status is a frequent event in bladder cancer and reported to have prognostic significance. We studied the TP53gene and its product in 76 patients affected with urinary bladder carcinomas by immunohistochemistry (mAb DO-7), […]
