Topoisomerase II-Alpha gene copy number alterations in ERBB2-Positive primary breast carcinomas: A fluorescence in situ hybridization study

A Colomer1, N Erill1, M Górriz1,2, M Verdú2, R Roman1, R Ibáñez1, C Cordon-Cardo1 and X Puig1,2.

1BIOPAT. Biopatologia Molecular, SL, Grup Assistència, Barcelona, Spain and 2 Histopat Laboratoris, Barcelona, Spain.

Background: Topoisomerase II-alpha gene (TOP2A) aberrations have been recently pointed as predictive markers of anthracycline-based adjuvant chemotherapy in breast cancer. While coamplification of ERBB2 and TOP2A seems to define a subgroup of high-risk patients likely to benefit from anthracycline treatment, the significance of a patient having TOP2A deletions in […]


Molecular protocol for HER2/neu analysis in breast carcinoma

Montse Verdú 1, Anna Colomer 2, Ruth Román 2, Nadina Erill 2, Miquel Calvo 3, Abelardo Moreno 1, Carlos Cordon-Cardó 4, Xavier Puig 1,2.

HISTOPAT Laboratoris , Barcelona 1. BIOPAT, Biopatologia Molecular, Barcelona 2. Departament d’Estadística de la Universitat de Barcelona, Barcelona 3 y Division of Molecular Pathology,  Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center,  New York, USA 4.

The HER2/neu proto-oncogen is frequently amplified in breast cancer, and serves as a predictive biological determinant to guide trastuzumab therapy.  However, consensus has not been reached regarding […]


HER-2/neu status in breast carcinoma: overexpression versus amplification

Verdú M1, Colomer A2, Román R2, Erill N2, Moreno A1, Cordón-Cardo C1,2, Puig X1,2.

1HISTOPAT Laboratoris & 2BIOPAT. Grup Assistència. Barcelona (Spain).

HER-2/neu is a critical marker in assessing the molecular profile of breast cancer, as it represents a target for therapeutic intervention. HER-2/neu gene amplification has been reported to be associated with treatment response. Immunohistochemistry (IHC) to detect HER-2/neu protein overexpression was initially recommended as the technique of choice to assign patients to Herceptin clinical treatment. However, different studies have shown […]


Marcadores de pronóstico en el carcinoma de mama

M. Guix Pericas 1,2, C. Cordón Cardó 1,2,3, M. A. Cañadas Bouzas 1, A. Colomer Valero 2,  X. Puig Torrus 1,2.

1HISTOPAT S.A. Laboratoris. 2BIOPAT. Biopatologia molecular S.L. Grup Assistència. Barcelona. 3Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center. Division of Molecular Pathology. Nueva York.


El carcinoma de mama es una de las neoplasias malignas más frecuentes y una de las primeras causas de muerte por cáncer. En la última década se ha incrementado notablemente su detección clínica y radiológica en estadios incipientes, y el […]
